Ceramic Beer Glass and Glass Beer Cup are ceramics produced in Turkey, the design of which is prioritized.
Ceramic Beer Glass and Glass Beer Cup are striking in terms of both decorative and usage with their modern appearance.
The texture of the Ceramic Beer Glass and Glass Beer Cup and the feeling it gives from the first grip will be the favorite of you and your guests. Ceramic Beer Glass and Glass Beer Cup are more ostentatious than other glasses.
For cleaning Ceramic Beer Glass and Glass Beer Cup, hand washing, not machine, should be your first choice. Hand-washed Ceramic Beer Glass and Glass Beer Cup will have a much longer lifespan.
Ceramics embroidered with Turkey motifs are produced and designed specifically for food and beverages.
Ceramics are obtained by combining materials such as soil and clay with mud and firing at a high temperature. In our time, they are used quite often in many ornaments, kitchens and tiles. It is also very easy to clean ceramics, which are comfortable in terms of use, due to the varnish structure on them.
It is also possible to clean your ceramic materials that are yellowing or have stains on them with pure vinegar. You can mix a small amount of pure vinegar and clean water in a bowl and wipe your ceramic with a soft sponge. If you wish, you can put this mixture in a spray bottle and spray it on the spots. But do not forget to rinse with clear water at the last stage.
You should make sure that the sponges or brushes that you can use during the cleaning phase of ceramics are materials that will not damage, discolor or scratch the surface of your ceramic. No matter what material you use for cleaning, you should definitely rinse the surface with water after removing the stain and take care to dry it.